
On Writing Well

Writing is nature’s way of letting you know
how sloppy your thinking is.
-- Guindon

I struggle with writing and lack in explaining my work to the general computer science audience. Not so long ago, I considered good writing (or good communication for that matter) a frivolous part of academia. But having a paper rejected 5 times, changed my view on this.
This was not because reviewers were lazy, but to the contrary, some reviewers laboured through the prolonged arguments and cumbersome notation and found the gaping errors. These errors missed my attention, as my writing was far from clear.

[8th February 2023] Six months later, things have improved, concentrated efforts do pay off. But I am far from being good at writing. It is time to take things to the next level. A good addition to my arsenal has been Leslie Lamport. Specially, in his lecture on writing, the revisit to the statement-reason proof structure is quite valuable for writing first drafts of the proofs.
The general feeling this time around is that I need to re-read what I already read, i.e. Igor Pak's small tutorial and William Zinsser's book. And then some more, i.e. Leslie's work and T.S. Eliot.

Hence, I am working to improve my writing skills. Not just to better communicate my work, but rather to better understand it.